Life is full circle? Or spiral

Okay, google, tell me “XYZ”! Though we are blessed with google, we fail to seek answers to questions we have from life or for life. While in a situation, just like how we Google the symptoms and get some vague medication for our issues, only if Google could tell us how to deal with life as an adult would have been sorted! Though I did yet try to google and some Instagram influencers came in where they quote 20 things to do in your 20s, places to visit, jobs to have, etc. The concern was am I convinced by the answer? Full marks accomplished for the answer received and the question in your head, the voice in your head/heart, and all those follow-up questions too?

While in my schooling years, I studied in a CBSE board and loved analogies back then as well. I used to write my 10 marks and 20 marks answers in analogy. My teacher did give me marks, but while it went out for external correction, I lost marks. I was told we need to adhere to the keywords which are present in the answer key. This answer key is given by a central department and all teachers follow it. While I shuffle through life now, as an adult I realize we all seem to have similar questions. Yet, the accuracy of the answers is unique based on your answer key. Unless your keywords don’t match your answer key you won’t be able to reason it or make peace with it. The internal monologue with the follow-ups will not have an answer at some point while we are not aligned, and we are lost. Rightly so, we feel we are back to square one!

The question I was asking myself was do I have the answer key ready? By when are we to have it ready, is it a fixed key that I could borrow, or do I have to invest heavily in getting it drafted and do I have to revise it as per the new syllabus cycle that we are in, ridiculous, right? But funnily we live as though we are in such a cycle of life. To top it in this era where we have homeschooling, we no longer need to have a fixed answer key may be :p. We are flexible and agile. Jokes aside, difficult for us to categorize or fall off under a box to feel safe within a tribe. Hence, I suppose anxiety is becoming our new friend off lately with changes, drastic changes! How much of the change can we adapt, and should be all we can probably have control over, and need to draft our answer key accordingly. The good news is, we can and ought to draft the answer key for ourselves!

In it’s time, it is peace and feels perfect

I am a nobody, so Idk what is “okay” but, how we can navigate through it is, today could be the first day of your life with each new answer key draft initiative. We have the prerequisites within us, we need to hold to our values, principles, and purpose, and develop a vision to have our life situations, and phases identified and tracked. We need to formulate an eye to see the reason behind every phase, that is when we understand the path. We cannot seek it from an external source. Sometimes we cannot see the reason while we are at it, as we are clouded with emotions. How I navigate here is with my faith in the creator, where I trust the process and surrender. To each their own so no say here. As we progress, it will help develop the answer key, small amendments as we realize what is important to us, what are our needs, wants, childhood dreams, and wishes. We write what is our priority, negotiable parameter, and non-negotiable parameters. While we get through this, we realize sometimes we are going through the same feelings and feel looped. What we don’t realize is, it’s not a circle to be a loop but a spiral while we are on this path to evolve or grow. It doesn’t have to be a circle for a circle are points equidistant from the center. A spiral on the other hand is a curve that emanates from a point moving farther away as it revolves around the point. We are not where we have started when we look back at it. We have evolved and grown to write this answer key and answer life queries accordingly to reach where we ought to. We are moving away from the epicenter, we are learning unlearning, and relearning. Though we feel the same, each time surveying how fast you get back to your path, identifying the pattern, and rising prolifically since you have your draft to hold on to, reminds you of your journey. We are yet elevated while a spiral. It is a shift, as opposed to while you are in a circle, you are covering the same circumference.

Spiral staircase

Unless we focus on our spiral growth and are aligned I wish to believe we are doing fine. But the minute you deviate and echo a voice that is not yours, while you pick multiple answer keys, is when probably you are drawing the circumference of some other circle and you feel you are caught up in a loop. While you follow your answer key, it feels as if you are walking on a spiral staircase. As you spiral higher and higher, once you get a hang of the path you walk faster and no longer feel dizzy. You are quicker with your eye to vision what works for you, and what doesn’t. At every step you take, your decisions are proportional courageously, true to yourself and inversely proportional to fear. In other words, you are quick to update the version of your answer key based on the change around you, you can gauge very well how much of it you wish to adapt based on your priorities. You understand the importance of your timing, and no longer be bothered about the fellow follower in Instagram who is flying to US or marrying or having kids or whatever. The forming of the answer key is surely tough, needs investment within, and may not share prolific tangible results while at it, but once completed it’s just a matter of upgrade, and it will be a catalyst for your tangible decisions in life. I would like to say life sure will come a full circle, but may you have an elevated spiral view to your own path.

Love and Hugs,

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Cluttered with thoughts, on a journey to unclutter it with words! Personal musings, thoughts, feelings!✨

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